Edina's Book Blog

"If I kiss you all day every day for the rest of my life, it won't be enough"

City of Lost Souls

City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare Just finished this book and now I have to wait 7 months before I can read last book! It's going to be torture...uuuh
Waking Up Married - Mira Lyn Kelly Sweet story, but little to short for my taste

100 pravila ljubavi: Osobni recept za sretnije i kvalitetnije veze

100 pravila ljubavi: Osobni recept za sretnije i kvalitetnije veze - Richard Templar, Maja Šešok Čuj neko ti daje savjete kako da se zaljubis i budes sretan i nadjes idealnog partnera i jos da i njega usrecis...ma glupost, ne znam zasto sam uopste i uzela ovo da citam
Empress of the Seven Hills - Kate Quinn woow, I can't wait for book no. four...I'm still speachless
Traci Lords: Underneath It All - Traci Lords Od porno glumice do filmske zvijezde...pa nekome je sreca bas naklonjena
More than Meets the Ink - Elle Aycart I'm in love...
Extreme Love - Abby Niles The story was really good, but Cait, ooh God, in some parts I wanted to kill her, she got on my last nerve, even she didn't know what she wanted and she had the most amazing man running around her like a lost puppy. But Dante, he was soooo sexy...
The Hunger Games - Suzanne  Collins It was a good book, much beter than a movie
Beautiful Creatures - Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia Finally!

Currently reading

The Girlfriend
Abigail Barnette
Pemberley Ranch
Jack Caldwell
Tear You Apart
Megan Hart
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins